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10 Phone Dating Tips

Phone dating feels as natural as online shopping now that we are glued to our phones all day and night anyways. It’s become really normalized to find someone to date and chat with virtually. Although it’s a common way for individuals to find love, there are some phone daters who could use some brushing up on their phone dating skills. Phone dating is not like regular dating. Flirting face to face just isn’t the same as flirting voice to voice.

New and returning chat line callers could benefit from several tips. I hopped around the world wide web for the best suggestions. Special thanks to Mr. Chat Line for helping me put these tips together.

1.) Don’t Play Hard To Get
Before the days of phone dating, it was probably a good idea to play hard to get. Not on a chat line date. Be forward and don’t expect your date to read between any lines. You’re not able to read body language, so being aloof on phone date won’t do you any favors. You’ll come off as cold.

2.) Be Polite
Remember the rule you learned in kindergarten? Treat others how you want to be treated. That is still the golden rule, even for phone dating. Use your manners by giving your date room to speak, not insulting them, and being kind.

3.) Don’t Wing Your Greeting
Your phone chat greeting is how you’ll introduce yourself to your date. It’s not an improvisation show. Plan out what you are going to say so that you can make a good first impression.

4.) Be Authentic
It’s tempting to try to exaggerate your stories or even fully make things up on a phone date because you don’t have to dodge eye contact or hide your lie. Lies don’t work if you want your chat line date to lead to something real. People can feel your authenticity, even over the phone.

5.) Stay Positive
Treat your phone date as you would a real date. You want your partner to have a good and happy experience, so keep the conversation fun and light.

6.) Plan Ahead
When you don’t think about what you’re going to say on your date, it might get awkward. You can avoid the awkward moments by thinking about some things you want to say before you jump on the date.

7.) Don’t Interrupt
The phone is not a microphone, and your date is not an audience. If you interrupt your date constantly or try to take up all the space in the chat, your date is going to lose interest in you quickly.

8.) Be Safe
You’ve got to be safe on a chat line. That means that you keep important personal information to yourself, be extra cautious about meeting in person, and keep your guard up.

9.) Tell Jokes
Having a good sense of humor is going to get you far in dating someone. People remember someone who can make them laugh, and they value you it.

10.) Be Appreciative
A stranger is giving their time to you. If you really enjoyed the date, say as much. Express your gratitude towards your date and they’ll express it back to you!